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Words From Pastor Franks 

My Friends,  we praise God for this opportunity to talk about the Cedar Grove Baptist Church.   We are a small local church that love the Lord and love people.   Started in 1862, we are the oldest African American Church in Davie County.  However, when you come in to our Church, it's not just about heritage and looking back, we're also looking forward.  We are on Facebook every Sunday, we are a Bible teaching Church, and we know that we are called to do the work of Him that sent us. 

We work in the community, we support community outreach that speaks to the love of God, and we celebrate community.  In times of tragedy, we mourn with those who mourn,  we pray with those who need prayers, and we rejoice with those who celebrate.   

We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost and we know that prayer works.  

We are excited for every visitor that comes through our doors, tune in to our broadcasts, or is prayed for on Mondays at Noon with Rev. Kelly Brown.   If you would like to be a part of the "Best Church this Side of Heaven" come on to Mocksville, join us and find out what that really means.  We are not perfect, in fact, our sin is ever before us but BY THE GRACE OF GOD we're striving to be what God called us to be. 


Be Blessed!

Pastor Marion A. Franks, Ph.D. 


© 2016 Cedar Grove Baptist Church 

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